Existing Members
Please let us know about address, phone number, and email updates via
New Members
Swiss Nationals and their partners (active members) and non-Swiss Nationals (passive members) are most welcome to join the Swiss Club of Western Australia!
What is included in the membership?
- Subsidised events
- Access to 30 Acre property near Gidgegannup
- Subsidised events at the Austrian and Rhein-Donau Club
- Electronic newsletter
To sign up please download the application form and return it to Feel free to send any questions to the same email address.
Please note that any new members will have to be approved by the committee. This is only a formality to ensure we comply with the constitution of the club and existing state laws. In case of a rejection your membership fee will be refunded immediately.
Annual Membership Fees
(as decided at the AGM on 12th March 2017)
- Couple/Family (incl. children up to 18 years): $75.00
- Single Person: $50.00
- Couple/Family unwaged*: $55.00
- Single person unwaged*: $40.00
* Unwaged means: Pensioner/Concession Card holders or full time students.
Please pay the total amount via internet banking (EFT) to:
- BSB: 016-255 (ANZ Bank)
- Account Number: 427568658
- Account name: Swiss Club of WA Inc
- Please state your name and the reason for payment (e.g.: “Mueller, mship”)